Don't Know Where to Attend College? Start Here

Friday, October 18, 2024
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Deciding where to spend the next four years of your college life can be a nerve-wracking but exciting decision with so many factors to consider.  If you’re indecisive or uneasy about your future college plans, continue reading to discover things to think about when deciding. 



College Students NSHSS
  • Climate: Everyone has a preferred climate, and it is important to ensure that the college of your choice caters to that preference. When deciding, ask yourself this simple question: "Do I prefer cool weather or warm weather?" Think about how you like to spend your free time and the activities you enjoy. Do you like the beach? Hiking? Snowboarding? Biking? The weather and how you enjoy all these activities can be impacted. Remember, climate change can also mean a shift in perspective and a chance to explore new things. 

  • Relativity to important things, places, or people: When making such a huge step in life, it is beneficial to contemplate the things that provide you happiness and comfort. This can aid you in acknowledging the things that hold value in your heart, such as family, the beach, mountains, restaurants, etc. Ask yourself: "Is this college close enough to the things I love?" Additionally, attending college in a new place can give you a chance to get to know yourself and the things you deem important better without sacrificing your passions or relationships with those you care about, like family.  



College is all about receiving a great education that aligns with your specific needs. Every person learns differently and thrives in different settings. For example, some might find it overwhelming to be in such a large class body, while others thrive in settings that feature a wide variety of people and activities. In addition, some may learn best with close, personable teaching, while others are most comfortable working in large groups and active settings. When considering the size, it's also important to note that public colleges often have a "larger student body and therefore offer more degree programs", according to Best Colleges; but remember, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' size of college. Prioritize the space that allows you to learn best, and you'll find the right fit.  



The classes a school offers can influence your choice of college. Since college aims to prepare you for future careers, ask yourself, "Which colleges offer my desired majors?" Research institutions known for strong programs in those areas. If you're uncertain about your path, consider colleges with a wide variety of majors to keep your options open. 



While getting a great education is essential, it is also crucial not to choose a college that will be a huge financial strain. Meeting Street Scholarship Fund explains the adverse effects of acquiring large debt and states that students who graduate debt-free have less stress and higher success rates. Researching the number of students who graduate college debt-free from the schools you are considering may help you find some options to implement into your college plans. Another way to combat this is by looking at the financial aid the colleges you are considering offer.  


Success is attainable no matter which college you choose. However, planning your future can make the journey smoother. As you weigh your options, remember to prioritize what’s best for you. Trust your instincts and pave your own path!  

Check out more tips and advice for preparing for college on the NSHSS blog.