NSHSS Benefits: What Makes NSHSS Worth It?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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Many students are asking great questions about NSHSS. What makes NSHSS worth it? What are the benefits of NSHSS?

With any investment, you want to make a smart decision and better ensure your returns will be worth it. At NSHSS, we honor those students who carefully embrace such opportunities. When students ask us about benefits of NSHSS and why they should join, we appreciate their discerning curiosity and interest.

To help ensure you feel secure in your choice to join NSHSS, here we outline some of the various opportunities and benefits that NSHSS offers its student members.

What Makes NSHSS Worth It?

We understand that $90 can greatly benefit many students and their families. But for those students who make the most of their NSHSS membership, the benefits can dramatically outweigh the cost. Here are just a few of the benefits that make NSHSS worth it.

Lifetime Membership

The $90 investment to join NSHSS isn’t just for one year, it’s for a lifetime. That’s a lifetime of opportunities where you can connect with high-profile business partners giving you an edge over competitors in the job market.   


NSHSS members can volunteer for the society at in-person university events, Scholar's Day, or our virtual events. Students help greet event attendees at the registration booth, sell NSHSS merch at our NSHSS store, introduce speakers during breakout sessions, and so much more!  During virtual events, students also introduce speakers, help monitor the chat and questions, and could even be panelists themselves! In addition to volunteering for NSHSS, our partners also offer abroad or online volunteering opportunities, so be sure to check them out!


NSHSS members gain access to high school and college scholarships to help pay for college, international study abroad, summer programs, and even graduate school. We award over $2.5 million in scholarships annually for academic excellence, entrepreneurship, leadership, literature, medicine, music, STEM, sustainability, visual arts, and more, which can only be accessed if you’re an NSHSS member

So, if you ask, “NSHSS – is it worth it?” It is for a large portion of our members whose membership fee is repaid tenfold with the many scholarships they are awarded. Learn more about NSHSS member scholarships to see what opportunities are most relevant to you.

Networking and Career-building Events 

As a member of NSHSS you can attend a wide range of events. Some events allow you to network with other students, while others celebrate our members’ fantastic achievements.

Also, you’ll be able to attend workshops with university admissions counselors, educators, and other partners to gain insight into ways to prepare for college and beyond. We also host college and career fairs where members can speak with representatives from numerous universities and governmental and corporate entities. NSHSS events are a perfect start to exploring your academic and career interests beyond high school. 

Leadership Programs

At NSHSS, we make a point of selecting students who care about their community and want to make an impact on the world. NSHSS leadership programs provide the opportunity to foster growth in our members so they can become the great leaders of tomorrow. The ambassador, fellow, and student council programs all help equip members with the tools they need to affect change in their communities.

NSHSS Ambassadors

A Network of High-achieving Students & Professionals

One of the benefits that we hear students and even their parents speak about the most is the incredible network they develop through membership. As a member of NSHSS, you’ll get the opportunity to network and engage with other high-achieving, community-focused students who are likely to become lifelong friends or colleagues, as well as adult professionals who can become a resource for you as you transition into adulthood and a career. 

With over 2 million members in more than 180 countries, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with people and build relationships with others that you may never have had the chance to otherwise. These lasting friendships and mentorship opportunities are why students are grateful they joined NSHSS. 

Take Advantage of NSHSS Benefits That Last a Lifetime

NSHSS is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We take pride in welcoming outstanding students from across the world and providing them with benefits so they can succeed. There are many benefits worth exploring between financial aid and scholarship opportunities, as well as networking and career prep resources. We hope you can see that there are a wide range of benefits and opportunities that make the National Society of High School Scholars worth it.