UC Berkeley's Pre-College Scholars Scholarship


A scholarship to attend UC Berkeley's Pre-College Scholars: 2-Week Summer Non-Credit Computer Science Academy Track.


High School Rising Juniors and Seniors, ages 16-17 years old, minimum 3.0 GPA


Scholarship Details:

About the opportunity:

Program Dates: June 16-June 28, 2024

The Berkeley Pre-College Scholars: Summer Non-Credit tracks offer rising juniors and rising seniors the opportunity to live on campus for 2 weeks and enjoy the summer at Berkeley. Pre-College Scholars participants will get the opportunity to be part of the Berkeley community by experiencing university life to the fullest with other students from across the United States and around the world. During the summer, students will complete UC Berkeley's popular Computer Science Academy Non-Credit track, participate in extracurricular activities on campus, attend virtual exploratory workshop series delivered by skilled admissions professionals, and much more This short-term, immersive experience will expand your intellectual, social, and cultural horizons while still providing you with hands-on, practical experience in coding, powerful computer science concepts, collaborative programming, and problem-solving using Snap! 

Application Requirements:

  • Please provide a personal statement of 300-500 words that describes your personal ambition for why you want to attend UC Berkeley's Pre-College Scholars: Summer Non-Credit Computer Science Academy Track, what you hope to gain from the program and how this opportunity might be of value to your particular educational or career goals.
  • Pictures/videos/media showing your leadership in action (optional)
  • Color headshot suitable for website posting 
  • Academic resume
  • Current Transcript (can be official or unofficial)
  • Educator recommendation letter
  • You will need to apply to the NSHSS scholarship first. If awarded the scholarship, you will be notified of the next steps to complete your separate Pre-College Scholars Non-Credit Track Program application. Please do not simultaneously submit a Pre-College application. 
  • Scholarship decisions will be announced before March 1, 2024.

*In order to utilize the scholarship, first you will need to be selected by NSHSS. Then you will be instructed to submit your Pre-College Scholars Non-Credit Track Program application. Upon acceptance into the program, you will be able to apply the scholarship. The scholarship will cover only the program fee for the Non-Credit Track which includes room and board and cannot be applied to a different track. Please note transportation, books, and personal expenses are not covered by the scholarship.*

To learn more about the track, please visit: https://precollege.berkeley.edu/.

If you have any questions in regard to the pre-college program please email scholarships@nshss.org or precollege@berkeley.edu.

Application Opens: November 6, 2023
Closing Date: February 16, 2024 by 11:59PM (EST)

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